• Phone : 05462284085 , Mob: 9415988781 , 8400416351
  • info@capsazm.in

Moiya , Makhdumpur , Nizamabad - Azamgarh

Message from Manager's Desk

We welcome all the vibrant students intending to preserve education at our school where we will inguite a poetential and give them best results as a talented individual you are to have many alternatives to get admission of lovely child ,your inclination in seeking admission to CENTRAL ACADEMY PUBLIC SCHOOL is a laudable one ,Congratulations !.
For the efficient working of school we need your full co-operation with authorities inforcing regularities and discipline.
We would like to assure you about the caring of your child as we are not us of a school but that this brochure deals with in way do our activities at our school
Our ambition in a higher level of education at institute where individual vision intellectual discipline and full parents co –operation are valued to make our school in a higher level of learning school.
With Good Wishes.
Ramashish Yadav


Our Values

At feeling Primary School , we work hard to ensure that all children enjoy learning . We believe that children learn best. When they engaged, motivated and interested and when they are given the correct support and challenge in order to reach their potential.
The feeling 'Seven Skill ' be atn the heart of our school and our curriculum . They were written by Staff and Children together.

  • Happy and confident with self-belief.
  • Imaginative
  • Active thinkers , enquiring, questioning, challenging.
  • Respectful and tolerant, working together as a team.
  • Good communication and listeners.
  • Confident to take risks, meet challenges and always try their best.
  • Able-to-take ownership and responsibility for their learning.

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